All donations are gratefully accepted. You will receive an acknowledgment of your gift and a tax receipt by January 31st for the previous year.
Thank you for so much for your kindness!
Click the donate button above, or feel free to mail a donation check directly to us:
Kentucky United Methodist Children's Homes
Attn: Development Department
1115 Ashgrove Rd
Nicholasville, Kentucky 40356
Note: Please list a phone number in case we have a question about your gift especially when sending Honor or Memorial gifts.
For gifts honoring a friend or family member, send your check along with a note with "Honor Gift" written on it. List their name and their address. We will send them an acknowledgement of your gift.
For gifts in memory of a friend or family member, send your check along with a note with "Memorial Gift" written on it. List their name, and the names and addresses of any persons that you wish for us to notify of the memorial gift.